A High Schooler's Essay About Shark Week

Tracy Jordan once said, '€œLive every week like it'€™s Shark Week'€ (Jordan, 2006). I believe this to be true, because we should all live every day, every week, every month, with the same excitement with which we watch Shark Week. In the following essay, I will prove how exciting Shark Week really is by using several references and quotes from credible sources found not on Wikipedia. Shark Week is a very exciting time. It is a week full of great shows about sharks. There are many types of shows about sharks on Discovery Channel during Shark Week, including: educational shows about sharks, fictional shows about sharks, and other types of shows about sharks (Not Wikipedia, 2015).

Over the past 27 years, Shark Week has become a phenomenon. '€œIt is so easy to forget that the week after Christmas is one of the two holiest of holidays,'€ says Stephen Colbert, '€œThe other being, of course, Shark Week'€ (Colbert, 2010). I think what Colbert is trying to say, is that Shark Week is basically a holiday, and since holidays are basically phenomenons, Shark Week is basically a phenomenon.

In conclusion, Shark Week is awesome.

You know what else is awesome? Shark T-Shirts. You know what'€™s even awesomer? DBH has a dangerously extensive collection of Shark tees by some scary good artists for you to choose from. Gnash your teeth on '€˜em right here.


Jordan, T. 2006. 30 Rock, '€œJack the Writer'€. Retrieved July 7, 2015.

Wikipedia, Not. 2015. '€œShark Week'€. Retrieved July 7, 2015.

Colbert, S. 2010. The Colbert Report. Retrieved July 7, 2015.

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