Featured Artist: BadOdds

Featured Artist: BadOdds

Where are you from?

BadOdds: I'm from Portugal and I live in a little village near the beach.

How would you best describe your art style?

BadOdds: I do vector illustration, and my recurring themes go from sci-fi to cats, also some pixel art as well.

Where do you find your inspiration when creating your art?

BadOdds: I'll be honest, it's very hard for me to feel inspired, but I've also learned that rushing leads nowhere. I find that getting out of the house and clearing your head usually helps.

When did you know you wanted to make a career in the art world?

BadOdds: I never planned anything nor do I think I have a "career" in the arts. When I was 17, I had an Adobe Illustrator class that I absolutely hated; I found the software too complex and I was very lazy. However, with time I grew fond of making silly characters and portraits and ended up teaching myself through repetition and online tutorials.

How does art impact your day to day life or your impression of the world as a whole?

BadOdds: I guess art impacts my life the same way it does most people. After all, art is everywhere, and since we're social creatures we constantly get inspiration from each other whether we're aware of it or not.

What does a day of creating artwork look like for you and how do you start your creative process?

BadOdds: Well sometimes I have an idea on my mind and I feel the need to draw it first but most times I start from scratch on Illustrator. I think the hardest thing for me is to find a good color palette and to know when I'm done with it. I used to get stuck a lot trying all these different colors and I'd always find new things to change and get annoyed at, meaning that something that should only take a couple of days to finish would turn into a week of obsession. Nowadays I know how to keep it simple and trust my gut. Also, my boyfriend is also a huge help in the process.

When you're not creating, what do you like to do with your time?

BadOdds: I like gardening, listening to music, playing video-games, taking pictures of my cats, watching movies, sunbathing and practicing Yoga.

What artist (either current or past) do you most admire and why?

BadOdds: I don't follow any particular artist, but I really enjoy the digital art that my fellow POD artists put out.

What's the best advice that's been given to you as an artist?

BadOdds: Don't compare your work to other's, keep focused on improving yourself.

Shop all of BadOdds' designs in her DBH store.

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