Featured Artist: LittleBunnySunshine

Featured Artist: LittleBunnySunshine

The artist LittleBunnySunshine grew up in several different places and she shares that “home is more a feeling than a place for me.” Subsequently, her art is able to convey this sense of home — warm and familiar — to her audience. Whether it is a sleeping cat curled in a ball or the solar system transformed into a comforting cup of coffee, LittleBunnySunshine’s work transforms the unknown into something recognizable and welcoming.

LittleBunnySunshine lives in a small town in Iowa where she draws, paints, and enjoys the wildlife outside her window. She recalls that when she was 5 years old she was gifted a cheap watercolor set and it made painting “magic” to her. A stray hair from the paintbrush accidentally smeared her work and — rather than feeling upset — she was delighted with the way it made her subject’s hair appear to blow in the wind. She remembers, “What a revelation! I could take something simple like paper and a little paint and turn it into something different and exciting, something even more than I expected.”

LittleBunnySunshine confesses she is a “image junkie” and is always saving inspirational images from her everyday life, whether from the internet or an image out of a magazine. She asks, “truly, what isn’t inspirational if you are open to being inspired by it?” Nonetheless, she is especially inspired by early medieval art. She shares that she would love to travel back in time to watch artists “doing the work absolutely from the ground up” like grinding and mixing their own paint, making their own brushes, and preparing the drawing surface.

LittleBunnySunshine is never at a loss for ideas; she loves staying busy with painting or drawing and it helps her focus her creativity. She jokes, “time is always working against me but that is where coffee comes in!” In fact, a recent purchase of an iPad Pro has encouraged her creativity even more by giving her a sense of freedom. She says, “the fear of wasting my precious materials on work that might not turn out really became a mental roadblock for me”. Gone are the days when she worried about wasting valuable resources; now she is free to experiment and explore every avenue in her imagination.

Although LittleBunnySunshine has been creating for a long time, she believes that she is “just hitting my stride” and that the future holds untold possibilities. Like most artists, she understands that “art is easy, getting people to look at it is hard.” She hopes to “push myself out into the art world a bit more, find ways to expose my art to new eyes.” LittleBunnySunshine’s art is sure to capture people’s imaginations so tightly that they won’t be able to look away.

Shop LittleBunnySunshine’s DBH Store here.

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