Featured Artist: LuckyBengal

Featured Artist: LuckyBengal

When LuckyBengal was 10 years old, she took a class on building marionettes and has been “hooked on art” ever since. LuckyBengal, or Bryn, from Columbus, Ohio, creates delightful graphics with inspirational messages, hilarious puns, and a fresh new spin on the old favorite: maps.

LuckyBengal admits that her current project – designing wedding invitations – takes up most of her time. She says, “free time is something that does not exist for me” and she hopes to be able to focus on her own art in the future, as well as, continue to work on her design company, Creative Invites.

model waring Mars t-shirt


Bryn’s inspiration from music and travel are evident in her fun designs, especially those that center around capital cities and states. However, one of her greatest influences is the German creator, Max Ernst. She confesses, if she had a time machine, she would love to study with the surrealist painter because he was a “genius.”

model wearing mars t-shirt


LuckyBengal knows that she is her own “worst critic” and she has discovered that “less is better” when it comes to creating for her. She understands that simple things can often be the most powerful. For instance, her most recent art purchase was a painting of a cow, because she “loves farm animals” and appreciates the small underappreciated moments and characters in life. LuckyBengal pushes herself to capture and preserve the small moments in her artwork as well.

Shop LuckyBengal’s DBH store here.




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