Kids Need Tees Too

I'm not a parent or anything, but I can tell you this much: The hardest part about raising a child is making sure your little grommet is rocking the freshest threads on the playground. Forget the late nights and early mornings. Forget the constant diaper changes and inconvenient, suspiciously-timed bathroom runs. Forget the supermarket meltdowns on aisle two in front of the Cap'n and a jacked tiger. Forget the stream of sibling-served bodyslams off the back of the couch. Those are all a cakewalk compared to choosing clothes for your tyke.

You can stop worrying, we're here to help. Consider us your omnipresent digital nanny, who also happens to be the Rain Man of dressing kids in rad T-Shirts.

That's right, hümans '€” DBH is now offering a ton of (y)our favorite designs in kids sizes! Boy or girl, we'll have your kiddo hooked up with great new T-Shirts before they can chug that Capri Sun you just shoved into their sticky little hands.

I'll give you a minute to catch your breath.

Okay, really? Applause is not necessary.

Wow...a petition to nominate us for the Nobel Peace Prize? You shouldn't have...

Maybe we're a bit biased, but our collection of kids T-Shirts is pretty, pretty, prettaaayyy awesome. Dinosaurs, sharks and robots? Oh my! It doesn't stop there. We're adding more kids tees everyday, so check back often to find the freshest new DBH offerings for your little ones.

Need a jumpstart on choosing some new threads for your little one? Check out our Little Hümans collection curated by our Artist Manager, Cassie. Did she forget one of your personal favorites? Link it in the comments below!

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