New Star Trek Tees for Into Darkness

The new Star Track movie is soon to release, so we figured to launch a new group of sci fi, space and Star Trek tees to get you inspired. '€œStar Trek In To Darkness'€ will in premiering theatres May 17th, with much better effects then the 1970s! Better explosions, crazier weapons, and new technology special effects. We are excited little Star Wars, Star Trek and BSG fans here, and obviously have lots of space inspired designs. But before you check out the tees check out the newest trailor'€¦

Like any great movie premiere it'€™s always fun to dress up a little, or support your favorite '€œspace suit.'€ We have put together a few space and sci fi tees so you can '€œgo to no where no man has gone before;'€ or to the New Star Trek movie.

Beam me up, Humans. Time to celebrate a few star trek t shirts to just in time for Star Trek In To Darkness. The best Star Trek shirt is the Star T Rex crew of dinosaurs ready to shoot alien invaders with phaser guns.

Star Trek T Rex Shirt

The next is of course the Live On and Prosper by the zombie Vulcan. It'€™s one of the most logical tees we have.

Live Long and Prosper Star Trek

One more Star Trek tee with the captains as cartoons.

DOOP Crew Tee aka Star Trek

Those are the Star Trek shirts we currently have, and of course with a little Design By Humans character. As you travel further through space and the stars you will find plenty of other themed shirts to take you a little further out of this world. If you don't find a Star Trek shirt you would like then check out the sci fi and space tees.

Calvin and the Spaceman
Princess T Shirt
Space Jamborbee shirt
Sound of the Sun
Blaster Plan Tee

One Color T Shirt Design Winners Annouced

Roncabardz (Ronnel Cabardo) Artist Interview