Snow Day Tees (and hoodies!)

Burrrrr it's getting chilly out there. Snow is falling, fireplaces are firing up, what better time for a nice warm hoodie featuring a pleasant snow scene. Grab that cup of cocoa and put on your favorite movie to celebrate these Design by Humans snow day tees (and hoodies!)

Alone In The Forest by AstronautARC
This little red fox is alone in the snowy forest. Only his footprints follow him from the trees through the snow in his journey. Find your warm & cozy place in a new snow themed DBH sweatshirt, it would also look great on a new phone case for the winter.

The Delona by Jehsee
How about a ski trip? We can all hang out in the cabin. You know the one I'm talking about, the one with the moose head on the wall...and the nice warm fire place...ahhhh. Were you lucky enough to get this design as one of our Holiday Postcards that went out? The design looks even better on a t-shirt or sweatshirt!

Snowflake by EVA3
They say every snowflake is unique and that you will never find another one like the one that just landed in your hand. This snowflake has a special feature, a star in the center. Get it while you can, you may never see it again.

Fox In The Snow by Littleclyde
This beautiful geometric fox looks hopefully up into the white sky. With only a simple forest scene in the background, it's a perfect design for a new t-shirt or maybe a sweatshirt.

First Day Of Winter by Cunchun
Trees inside of trees inside of trees...oh and look, a little monster at the top of a tree waving hello to the first day of winter. This winter blue landscape is a perfect home for the little blue monster. Get a new DBH tee or sweatshirt featuring him in his winter home.

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