2 Days Left to Submit to the Diablo III T-Shirt Design Contest! — Design By Humans Blog

2 Days Left to Submit to the Diablo III T-Shirt Design Contest!

Many incredible artists have been hard at work producing their Diablo III T-Shirt Design Contest entries. The last day for submissions into the Diablo III T-Shirt Design Contest is this Friday, September 13th! It'€™s not too late to rack out those last few hours and pull together an epic, majestic T-shirt design submission. For your inspiration, here is a collection of some of the work in progress images and videos that artists have put together documenting their amazing design processes. Only two more days left to submit your designs. Good luck!

Witch Doctor Skull by DonMotta
DonMotta used a very unique approach in his T-shirt layout. The design shows the character in a multi-layered overlay of different opacities from different points of view. The use of numerous vibrant colors makes the artwork eye-catching, and the strong vector gradients receding into the artwork make it appear three dimensional, almost jumping out at the viewer. DonMotta paid close attention to detail, incorporating intricate embellishments from golden earrings to gleaming eyes in tiny skulls in his design.

Archangel of Justice
by IngKong
Working in a team has proved marvelously effective in the creation of IngKong'€™s Archangel of Justice. Note how they used a wide range of golden hues, pulling their artwork forward and giving it depth. Their process work provides an eye into what goes on behind the scenes of the design process, as we see them scan their original sketch to begin building their artwork digitally. The sharp highlights and sparks contrast against the darkness of the character making a dynamic and interesting image.

Justice Will Prevail by Nyogtha
Nyogtha uses intricate brush strokes in every individual aspect of this design. The detail that can be seen when the artists zooms into small portions of the artwork in the process video is absolutely breathtaking. Note the texture that the artist creates, giving the character realistic and beautiful flaws. His armor gleams and shows tarnish and scratches from battle. Nyogtha uses exceptional blending of his colors, leaving his art smooth and pristine.

Demon Slayer by SilentOp
The process that went into the creation of SilentOp'€™s Demon Slayer is astounding. He begins with a very rough sketch and develops it into a work of perfection. In the third frame of his design process it is still clear which areas of his artwork remain preliminary sketch, but by the fourth frame it is nearly impossible to imagine that it was ever anything but a three-dimensional demon slayer, popping right out of the screen. SilenOp uses textured brushes to streak electric light across his final design, emanating directly from the character'€™s armor; a powerful warrior, and an incredible work of art.

Malthael Angel of Death by Davast
Davast uses very fine lines in the initial stages of his design process. He begins his work digitally rather than on paper, erasing few times and quickly producing the base structure of his character. When illustrating, Davast begins with his brightest highlights fabricating the character straight out of the background, and works his way into the darker shades of the artwork. The details drawn into the armor go above and beyond in this contest entry.

The documentation of all stages of dzeri29'€™s design process allows us to see how much effort and intrinsic detail goes into producing a true artistic masterpiece, from blank page to realistic Witch Doctor ready to jump off the screen and attack. With deep shadows and dazzling highlights within such perfect line work, dzeri29 has produced a dark and menacing, yet majestic and breathtaking design.

Work In Progress video by Graphicollapse
Graphicollapse uses a vintage-style texture for the background of his design. He begins with the brush tool, drawing out the detailed, textured outline of the character. He uses a textured brush to add fine detail over the hooded figure, highlighting and shading with intricate precision. The artist uses a multitude of brushes for each individual aspect of the artwork: a rough brush in the deepest shadows and a soft brush to for the most highlighted features. Excellent artistic talent!

Model Interviews: Frankie and Dallas

DBH Artist Interview - IngKong