On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me: DBH’s Top Designs — Design By Humans Blog
On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me: DBH’s Top Designs

On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me: DBH’s Top Designs

Get in the holiday spirit by celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas the DBH way! We know the traditional 12 days of Christmas are popular — a partridge in a pear tree is pretty cool after all — but wouldn’t you rather have one of Design By Human’s top 12 designs from 2018 instead!?

I mean, what would you even do with 10 lords a-leaping or 8 maids a-milking anyway? That just seems like a lot of milk and a lot of people monkeying around near the milk. You’re just asking for trouble.

So, enjoy the 12 Days of Christmas the DBH way this season with 12 best-selling designs! Believe us, your true love would much rather have an artistic Design By Humans’ t-shirt, phone case, sticker, or mug than 11 pipers piping anyway. Give your true love a gift that doesn’t quack or require a bird cage by giving them one of these top 12 designs instead:

2) Focus by Blackstone

1) Red Sphere by StevenToang

4) Great Ramen off Kanagawa by Ilustrata

5) Midnight Rain by Exosam

8) Fuji by Againstbound

7) Nature Guitar by Maryedenoa

9) Flying Paper Cranes Birds by Magnussons

12) Ghost Of Disapproval by Obinsun

11) I Want My Blue Sky by Radiomode

The Ghost of Disapproval is giving a big ol’ thumbs down to six geese a-laying and seven swans a-swimming this year. He knows that your true love is hoping for something a little cooler under the tree! Treat yourself and your love to a DBH t-shirt this holiday!

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Yippee-Ki-Yay, Mother Elf-er: Unconventional Christmas Movies

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Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer (After a Few of these Holiday Drinks)