Featured Artist: Evilno — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Evilno

Featured Artist: Evilno

Evilno’s art is like taking a stroll through the classically-themed wing of a museum and finding that the Roman marble busts have been reimagined with a surrealist lens; hidden yellow smiley faces or technology glitches decorate the classic pieces of art for an unexpected twist on an old favorite.

 Evilno, or Darya, hails from the vast Siberian region of Russian and admits, “in my country many people don't consider an artist as a real profession.” She hopes to travel to Europe someday to find a community that embraces her creativity. She also shares that “the hardest part of [the] process for me is searching for an idea.” However, she finds inspiration from other artists and photographers. She also admits that although she can be sensitive to outside criticisms, she can channel that negative energy into her work, and it helps her find motivation. For her, knowing when an art piece is finished is as simple as “when I like it” because she recognizes that her art is a part of herself and her criticism are what matter the most.

 Evilno jokes that when it comes to balancing her personal and creative endeavors that “frankly, I’m not sure that I am good” at it. Nonetheless, she works to add fun to her artwork and admits that her style tastes like “chocolate with salt or mint” for a perfect blend of sweet and spice. In the future, she hopes that her art will take a new direction and “maybe it will be 3D or holographic” or something equally unexpected.

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