Featured Artist: Vektorkita

Featured Artist: Vektorkita

Vektorkita creates line art that leaves his audience feeling nostalgic for a past trip to the beach or a night camping under the stars. The designs shift between classic black and white or the colors of the rainbow; nonetheless the abstract graphics somehow encapsulate an old memory perfectly.

Vektorkita shares that he loves the idea of living in Bali where he would simply sit back and enjoy the natural beauty around him. He appreciates “creating new and unique things” without ever considering if it is “good or bad.” He simply appreciates the joy of creating something for others to enjoy. He even jokes that he’d rather live in “ancient times, where there was no internet or technology” because it allowed for an uncomplicated appreciation of art, without any of the pressure or anxiety of social media.

He declares that “of course” he knows exactly how his art will turn out before he begins. Still — even though he knows exactly what he wants to draw — he finds himself taking breaks to feed the fish or water the plants and he believes it helps his creativity.

He most admires artists who are able to focus on the meaning in their art, rather than being consumed by the drive to sell art or become famous. To him, his greatest hope is that his work conveys the joy and happiness he felt while creating it.



Featured Artist(s): Lineartespilot

Featured Artist(s): Lineartespilot