Featured Artist: ClingCling

Featured Artist: ClingCling

1)  Where is “home” for you?

For me my home is my family because they are my inspiration.

2) What is the first memory/moment you realized you were an artist?

At the age of 8, I started to draw and paint anything that comes up of my mind.

3) What project(s) are you working on now?

As of now, I am a freelance graphic artist. I design logos and jerseys. Most of all I am inspired to create more designs for my DBH shop.

4) What is the one item in your studio that you can’t live without? Why?

That would be my personal computer. If I don't have my PC , I won't be able to do my artwork. I could draw and paint. But today, for me to be able to do all the designs I have to have a computer.

5) What is your muse? Where do you get your inspiration for creating your artwork?

My passion and my love for all the living creatures in this world. My family is my main inspiration. The nature and the animals also inspired me to create more artwork and be more better in what I do.

6) What was the last piece of art you purchased? What struck you the most about it?

Honestly , I haven't purchase any masterpiece yet. If I will to buy any art I would go for my own design. I guess maybe that is one of the reason why I am not interested in other masterpiece because I've been busy creating them.

7) If you built a time machine, what artist would you meet/train with?

If I've been given a chance . I would really love to meet Leonardo da Vinci.

8) How do you evaluate your creative process? Are you your own worst critic? Do you share your work with others first?

Yes I am. I don't share my work to others and get their opinions. I'd like to finish it first and get their opinion.

9) What is your vision for your future? What is the first step in achieving it?

My  vision for my future is simple. To be able to reach all my goals in life. And for me to achieve them, I will work hard for it until I reach the top.

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DBH Featured Artist: pingdf

Design By Humans' COVID-19 Response

Design By Humans' COVID-19 Response