Featured Artist(s): Cool Tricks Studio

Featured Artist(s): Cool Tricks Studio

1) Where is “home” for you?

Home for us is everywhere but mainly in a plane. I  travel a lot to conventions  and meetings with clients and the fact that we are a studio with base in Miami and Indonesia usually I spend lots of hours on the air :) 

2) What is the first memory/moment you realized you were an artist?

Around 15 years ago, I start working with the famous Miami Ink guys. I was in charge of the Int sales and after that I start working my own ideas. 

3) What project(s) are you working on now?

We are currently working on a project for a licensor doing artwork for NASA, ATARI, PEPSI and other famous brands! 

4)  What is the one item in your studio that you can’t live without? Why?

Playstation  4 :P (It’s very important to take breaks and have some fun). 

5) What is your muse? Where do you get your inspiration for creating your artwork?

Movies, comics, cartoons , specially from the Robot cartoons. I am a big fan from  the  pop culture 80’s & 90’s era.

6) What was the last piece of art you purchased? What struck you the most about it?

I purchase art pretty much every week!! Tons and tons of t-shirts… for me that’s art…Some people hang their art… I wear it :) 

7) If you built a time machine, what artist would you meet/train with?

Back to the 60’s to meet Andy Warhol for sure.

8) How do you evaluate your creative process? Are you your own worst critic? Do you share your work with others first?

I love to share my artwork with others… friends, family , social media… everyone … All the critics are welcome. 

9) What is your vision for your future? What is the first step in achieving it?

These are hard times, due to this unusual situation with the corona virus the whole game changes. My goal is to keep doing designs for cool brands and walk into the retailers and see them in t-shirts on the shelves.

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