Featured Artist: Fargon

Featured Artist: Fargon

Embrace the long-forgotten excitement of watching Saturday morning cartoons as a child by indulging in the bright and cheerful designs created by DBH artist Fargon. Whether you’re hoping to ride into battle alongside a cat knight or you’d rather solve riddles from a blue troll, Fargon’s designs are a sure way to transport you back to a time filled with the thrill of Saturday morning adventures!

Fargon, or Evgeny Chudin, was born and raised in Moscow, Russia and considers art his greatest joy. He jokes that he didn’t mean to create a specific style for himself, but that over time “the style found me” and transformed his work into the upbeat cartoons he creates today. He finds inspiration from films, anime cartoons, and video games and loves “coming up with my own story and bringing it to life in illustrations.”

A reoccurring theme from Fargon’s artistic journey is the understanding that art should be a fun process and it must be enjoyed by both the artist and their audience. He admits that he draws simply for “his own pleasure” and that he does not allow external factors to dictate his process or journey. He believes that creativity is the act of sharing one’s imagination with the world or an “embodiment of your own fantasies.” He tells other artists to find joy in their work and to “believe in yourself, the rest will come by itself.”

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