Featured Artist: Circleinpaper

Featured Artist: Circleinpaper

Are you awake or are you dreaming right now? It will be hard to tell the difference if you find yourself lost in the surreal world of this week’s Featured Artist Circleinpaper. Can you hear the heavy breathing of a wolf in the shadows or feel the salty ocean wind on your face? Oh, yes!

Get ready to leave the safety of your world behind when Circleinpaper’s detailed designs howl, growl, and scream right off the page with a pulse and a heartbeat of their very own.

Circleinpaper, or Achmad Nur, is a 32-year-old artist living in Indonesia. He loves to play “old school” role playing games, watch horror movies, and bring spooky worlds to life with his artwork. He shares that he never intentionally developed his unique art style but that the eerie designs happened “naturally” while he was distracted by life. However, he has always gravitated to using “comic book inking” in his art and this technique lends itself to the way his designs move and shift on the page.

Like many artists, Circleinpaper struggles with finding the inspiration and motivation to work through his creative blocks. He says, “when you're working alone and you’re not in the mood it's easy to procrastinate.” He has since learned to make a schedule for himself and follow it meticulously to stay ahead of creative projects. He believes that the best thing for any artist is to “get organized” and make their own schedule to follow as well.

Circleinpaper believes that true creativity is “to create something that [is] not just a copy of a copy of a copy.” True to this idea, Circleinpaper’s art is uniquely his own and has a life and personality unlike anything else. Check out Circleinpaper’s store today!

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