Announcing the Marvel Shop at DBH — Design By Humans Blog

Announcing the Marvel Shop at DBH

Ant-Man was released last week, and sadly (for me at least), I have to admit that Ant-Man makes a much better superhero than my Unlikely Superheroes. I still think they're pretty great though, so if Marvel wants to talk movie rights for any of my creations, I definitely won't turn them down.

In case you missed it, I let some pretty big DBH news slip.

I'€™ll repeat it one time, and one time only: WE OPENED THE OFFICIAL MARVEL SHOP AT DBH!!!

Not that we'€™re excited about it or anything.

Head over to the DBH Marvel Shop to find some amazing apparel that features characters from Marvel movie franchises as well as classic Marvel comic books. In addition to Ant-Man T-Shirts, hoodies and apparel, we'€™ve got Thor tees, Daredevil designs, Spider Man apparel, and many more of your favorite characters from the Marvel Universe.

Marvel T-Shirts at DBH

The designs are rad, and as always, you can expect to find all of our Marvel artwork on only the highest quality T-Shirts, tank tops, hoodies and apparel.

Mind if I share some of my favorites designs with you? (Rhetorical question. You don'€™t have a choice.)

Ant-ManI'€™d have to choose Obey Ant-Man as my go-to Ant-Man tee because it fits my streetwear sensibilities, though it would look damn good on a hoodie as well. Fall favorite, perhaps?

Ant-Man T-Shirts at DBH

ThorFloral prints are '€œsoooooo in'€ right now. Just ask...uh'€¦[insert fashion blogger name here]. I love the play on floral with Thor'€™s hammer as an overlay. What else could this design possibly be called other than Floral Thor?

Thor T-Shirts at DBH

DaredevilMaybe it'€™s because I, myself, am a '€œman without fear'€ (totally not true), or maybe it'€™s because I only like things in sets of nine, but the Vintage Daredevil Squares design has got to be my favorite of the Daredevil tees from the Marvel Shop.

Daredevil T-Shirts at DBH

Check out the Marvel Shop today to find even more artwork featuring your favorite Marvel characters, and don'€™t forget to leave your choices in the comments below!© MARVEL AND MARVEL.COM

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