Ahh... the noble hoodie. What once were the official vestments of slackers and miscreants, the hoodie has now emerged as a staple of modern American culture. Versatile and comfortable, the hoodie is unparalleled in style, customizability, and general DGAF-ness.
From Bill Belichick to Justin Beiber to Emperor Palpatine, everyone can appreciate the stylistic boon that comes from owning a hoodie. Plus, how else would you possibly keep your hands warm without that front pouch thingy? (does that even have a name, BTW?)

According to Rolling Stone, the hoodie originated with the Knickerbocker Knitting Company in the early 1930's, when they added a hood to double-knit sweatshirts in order to protect athletes, workers at cold-storage warehouses and tree surgeons working through the winter. Then one of them left it on the bathroom floor where his stoner roommate found it, and the rest is history.
We here at DBH embrace the majestic hoodie, from its lowly beginnings as a glorified blanket to the official uniform of an entire nation.
That's why, in honor of the first official day of fall or autumn... or leafy sad time... or whatever you call it, we're busting out a 72-hour sale on our finest hoodies. This is your chance to get 'yer mitts on a sweet new pullover, or even a zip-up, (for our friends with giant, spherical noggins).
We've compiled some of our favorite designs here, guaranteed one will go perfectly with those sweatpants you'll be wearing until spring... you slacker.

'We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow'¦' This Rorschach-esque design by Faucius channels some heavy Viking energy to help you conquer the heavy winters of your homeland. Looks great in black on white, or spattered with your enemies' blood.
It takes a lot to make a good-zip up design -- you gotta have some balance, symmetry and the right spacing to make it look just right, and this design by Spanish artist ddjvigo is a great example. Bright color, perfect spacing and good 'ol Mr. Simmons lookin' like hell (as usual).

Summer may soon be a distant memory, but you can hold on a bit longer thanks to this design by Australian ivanrodero. Super-saturated colors on a molten-drippy sunset will keep your fire burning even on the coldest nights.
Another zippy with just the right je ne sais blah blah blah (French words). Striking chevrons with a retro-styled muted sunset background look absolutely perfect on this happenin' hoodie from Hong Kong. Bonus ' pick one up for your next hiking expedition and you can fill your pockets with granola.

Nothin' keeps you haulin' ass down Fury Road like shiny chrome. Now you can ride eternal with Immortal Joe and the rest of those weirdoes in a custom Mad Max/biker mash-up by Norwegian artist spazzynewton. Witness MEEEE!!!!!
The Fury of the Wolf Warrior by barrettbiggers
So how do you plan on defeating the boar-God Ottoko if you don't have your kickass Mononoke-hime hoodie? This beautifully detailed digital painting features just the right pop of color - and San herself in that infamous wolf get-up. Grab one today and be the first kid in Irontown to rock this design by U.S. artist barretbiggers.

Hugs not drugs! Show your neighborhood that you prefer getting high on life with this little zip-up number by yrrebyam. Who knows, maybe you could make some friends (and a few bucks) down the block?