DesignByHumans Twitch Con 2016 Guide — Design By Humans Blog
DesignByHumans Twitch Con 2016 Guide

DesignByHumans Twitch Con 2016 Guide

After months of planning and preparation our Twitch Con booth is finally on it’s way to San Diego. Which means it’s time to sit down and walk you through everything that’s happening at the DBHGaming Booth this year. First off, we’re booth number 646. Remember that number. Save it in your phone, tattoo it on your arm, whatever. Second, we’ve got a 15 ft tall light up sign gracing the top of our booth, so worst comes to worse just look up.

Now that you know how to find us, here’s what’s going down.

Meet and Greets

If you’re looking to meet some of your favorite streamers the DBH booth is the place to do it. Come take a selfie or something signed at the times below.



2:30PM - 3:00PM


2:30PM - 3:00PM


2:30PM - 3:00PM


3:30PM - 4:00PM


3:30PM - 4:00PM

Anthony Kongphan

4:15PM - 4:45PM


4:15PM - 4:45PM


4:15PM - 4:45PM


5:00PM - 6:00PM









Set yourself a reminder to so you don’t miss anyone you want to meet, or just never leave our booth, that works too.

In The Booth

Plug in, take a load off and recharge. This year we made the DBH booth a place to hang. Relax on approximately 30 ft of seating, recharge your devices at one of our 12 charging ports, enjoy a tasty (AND FREE) beverage courtesy of our friends at CokeEsports.

Speaking of Coke Esports they’ll be debuting a [REDACTED - CENSORED - SPOILER]....okay apparently we’re not allowed to tell you what it’s going to be but it’s pretty cool. We’ve seen pictures, it’s got a [TOP SECRET - UNAUTHORIZED - HIGHER CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. Really? Fine. It’s rad. Come see.

Information Have questions about our products or stores? We’ll be on hand to chat and even help you get signed up for a store. BONUS - if you sign up during Twitch Con we’ll be giving you a special discount for your fans.

Giveaways If all that doesn’t take up your time at our booth you can also enter our daily giveaway to win tons of free stuff. Here’s how to enter:

Step 1: Post a photo or update on Twitter or Instagram with #dbhHYPE. (We’ll love you if you tag us as well @designbyhumans or @DBHGaming) Step 2: Come to our giveaway counter and show the person standing behind the counter (probably me) your post. Step 3: Spin our magic wheel of prizes. Step 4: Rejoice in your cool prize and tweet again tomorrow for another chance to win.

Here’s a look at what we’re giving away.


Since we know you’re probably going to be meeting about a billion people at TC this year, here’s who we are so you don’t have to pretend to remember our names later.

Trey -


Business Development Dir., Gaming

Jeff - @jefferysierra President & Co-Owner

Katya - @KatyaAvi Social Media Manager

Cassie - @cassiehaspants Community Manager & Director of Charity Initiatives

Shawn - @praaxxssbm Gaming Partnerships Associate

Featured Artist: ArtTwink

Featured Artist: ArtTwink

Featured Artist: BirdBlack

Featured Artist: BirdBlack