Earth Day Eco-Tees: Let's Save the Forests! — Design By Humans Blog

Earth Day Eco-Tees: Let's Save the Forests!

Hey humans! As co-habitants of Planet Earth, you might already know that April 22nd is Earth Day-but in case you didn't, we're here to tell you we're doing our part-€”and here's how you can help.

We've teamed up with the National Forest Foundation and for every tee you buy from our new Eco-Collection in the month of April, we'll plant a tree.

The National Forest Foundation is committed to restoring and sustaining our forests, and with your help, a small portion of the Earth's resources can be replenished and enjoyed by future generations and sasquatches.

Maybe you can't get yourself to a forest, are allergic to sap, or maybe you don't own a matter what, we've got you covered. All you have to do is get yourself some new threads from our Earth Day Eco-Collection, and we'll take care of the rest. And as a bonus: your tee, and every tee DBH prints is produced using environmentally-friendly, water-based, phthalate-free inks.

Show your support for your home planet this year. Plant a tree, and look good in the process by rockin' these tees!

And recycle, always recycle.

To create this collection, we challenged our artists to help us make the world a better place by submitting their very best environmental, nature, wildlife and eco-friendly themed artwork. Here are some of our favorites! You can view the entire collection HERE.

Earthlings by PhilWassellArt From the lowly human to the mighty ant (they're super strong, look it up), we are all Earthlings. PhilWasselArt keeps it simple and classy on this one, with vibrant colors and plethora of pretty pets to adorn your bod. Dolphin, seahorse, kiwi, the gang's all's a regular dream team. Show your support for your fellow space travelers with this awesome colorblock offering from Switzerland.

Meltingsun by Rurara Finally...a shirt that embodies a love for nature AND mind-altering experiences! And of course, by that we mean the natural high one gets from communing with nature. Don't mind us little deer; just keep drinking from that trippy Technicolor stream made from the melted center of your universe. *breathes deeply* Bring your Earth Day festival experience to a whole other level with this tasty abstract from Indonesian designer Rurara.

No More Machines by Machmigo Of course we all know how the machines will soon become self-aware and take over in a bid to overthrow everything and subjugate the human race...but what happens next? They run out of power, get rusty, and get taken over by kudzu vines, of course. This robo-jerk found out the hard way that nature always wins, in this beautiful watercolor illustration by U.S. designer Machmigo.

Think Greens by Akhyarisme How eco-conscious are you? Unless you have a tree growing out of your brain, not eco-conscious enough. Subtle old-world styling and bold green shading will remind yourself and others to "think green" this EarthDay, courtesy of Akhyarisme's thoughtful conservation-themed tapestry design.

Garden of Verses by Radiomode You've always heard of Mother Nature...but did you know she has an old man? Yeah, he wears a bowler hat. This sharp and colorful design from artist Radiomode out of Antarctica (Say WHAT???!!!!!), is reminiscent of Bob Ross meets a Clockwork Orange, but it looks gorgeous in the process. Plus, you should buy this tee just to help this guy pay for his crazy internet bill.

So there you have it. Any one of the tees from our Eco-Collection will help us to help make the world a better place, thanks to the National Forest Foundation-so do your part and look good doing it!

Check out the entire Eco Collection


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