Featured Artist: Calebfaires — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Calebfaires

Featured Artist: Calebfaires

Calebfaires photo

Calebfaires’ designs – detailed black and white graphics of wildlife – reflect his love and appreciation for nature. He admits the “best works of art can be found in nature, which offers an unending supply of inspiration.” His classic designs celebrate both the grandeur of nature – like that found in National Parks – while also maintaining a sense of fun with art dedicated to “falling” animals – floppy ears and all.

Caleb is drawn to the “quiet majesty of the Great Smokey Mountains, and the grand peaks of the Northern Cascades” and both his life and his art are tied closely to nature. Calebfaires’ creative process is strengthened by nature as well. He shares that he looks to trees for inspiration because “there’s something about the rhythmic patterns of branches and leaves that is quietly invigorating for the creative mind.”

Creativity, for Caleb, is a deliberate and careful response to the world around him; it is “being able to make old things new, to give form to formless things.”

Caleb follows craftsmen like the textile artist, William Morris, and other creators from the British Arts and Crafts Movement in the late 1800s. He also admires craftspeople like cobblers, carpenters, and metalsmiths because they “have the ability to hone their skills to near perfection” which he finds admirable.

Caleb believes that art should “communicate love, truth, and beauty”; his greatest hope is that his art will reflect the “genuine beauty” in the world. He also strives to show the thought and care that went into every detail of his work. He wants “my art to convey a vision of the permanent and enduring, with honesty and integrity.” He loves the idea that something he created will last for generations to come.

Shop Calebfaires’ DBH Store here.

$146K Donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

$146K Donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

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