It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! — Design By Humans Blog
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

School has begun, the pumpkins are coming out, and ‘tis the season for horror films! Now is the time to go back and watch all the Halloween episodes of your favorite shows in preparation. My favorite is the Buffy episode titled “Halloween,” where they all turn into the characters they dressed up as. Of course there’s also Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and so many more (on TV and everything, it’s fantastic)!! You can also get into the Halloween spirit by repping your favorite show, movie or character with an awesome new t-shirt! And if you share my enthusiasm for the ghosts, the cats, the monsters, Jack Skellington and all the rest, DBH has some awesome Halloween shirts that you simply must check out!

Let’s start with a classic: the headless horseman! I mean, of course. Ichabod Crane was scary enough but the horseman truly embodies the absolutely creeptastic vibe that Halloween in New England imparts. This frightful shirt is the perfect choice whether you’re looking for a lazy costume or a gift for someone awesome. Check out the Headless Horseman design:

Love cats? I had a black cat growing up; poor things get a bad rap! Anyway apparently Death sure is into them. I dunno about you but to me the idea of Death and his cuddly kitty friend is pretty awesome. Cat shirt, Halloween shirt, both rolled up into one? It’s magic! Here’s Death is a Cat Person:

Brewing up a cauldronful of hot, strong love? This shirt is the perfect way to get your sexy witch on! I totally love this one, it’s like Practical Magic and Harry Potter had a baby TV show and they made shirts out of it! If you’re into that sexy green wicked witch (thank you Mila Kunis for giving us all something to aspire to) and a little magic-making of your own, just throw on this shirt and imagine your soup is a potion for wisdom! Check out Cooking With A Witch:

This next one is super creepy and awesome. Skulls and a wolf howling at the moon with his shiny yellow eyes and he can see in the dark and is totally coming to eat you! Or your friends if you’re the one wearing the shirt :). Wolves are my favorite “dark” creature, especially when people make them the good guys. Anyway this wolf is clearly a badass with a pile of conquests to howl at the moon about. So this Halloween shirt is a good one if you love animals and you want to broadcast their badassery; here’s the Midnight Hunter:

Crows are another really great Halloween animal; in some books they function as spies for the devil so that he can see stuff when he’s not there. Or they just circle really creepily and are bad omens, especially dead ones...which really doesn’t make much sense cause if they’re evil and they die, that should be a good thing right? Either way, I really like pictures of birds as long as they’re not real and not in the same room as me! This shirt kinda invokes a mystical energy, so check out The Gathering:

Someone was channeling The Corpse Bride when they designed this shirt; there’s a skeleton playing awesome music and everything! Plus the bats are fantastic. A little light-hearted scary fun on your tee for Halloween! Bat Jazz is where it’s at:

Jack Pumpkinhead is a scary dude, and he’s having a bloodbath in this awesome Halloween shirt! Don’t worry, he’s like Dexter and only kills bad guys. Make that a Pumpkin Spice Bloody Mary! Check out Pumpkin Head the Butcher:

These are just a few of the awesome Halloween shirts in the Fall Fright Collection! Check out the whole collection here. There are so many great tees to fulfill all your most terrifying Halloween fantasies! Have a very scary holiday, kids! ;-)

Featured Artist: Andy Westface

Featured Artist: Andy Westface

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Dejavu all over again