Villain-tine's Day: Your Heart Belongs to Me

Villain-tine's Day: Your Heart Belongs to Me

Don’t be fooled by the anti-villain propaganda out there… villains LOVE Valentine’s Day! In fact, V-Day is their favorite holiday! What’s not for them to love? The V-Day mascot is a guy who shoots people with arrows, there’s tons of talk about stealing hearts (villains take this literally, of course), and there’s chocolate! Even bad guys like chocolate, right? Plus, as grouchy and grumpy as our favorite villains are, they’re actually just big ol’ softies underneath all those twirly mustaches and sneers. So, let’s rebrand Valentine’s Day as Villaintine’s Day in honor of the 5 biggest lovers of love out there!

1) Evil Queen

The Evil Queen from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs is all about Valentine’s Day! She may not seem like a fan of Cupid’s, but there are a few undeniable reasons that have us thinking she might just appreciate getting a heart-shaped box of chocolates from her special someone. Even if — in her case —  her special someone is herself. She’s the original advocate of the self-love philosophy. Good for her!

Plus, she’s obviously a fan of other Valentine’s Day traditions because she gifts Snow White a juicy apple (it’s just like the chocolate covered strawberries tradition, right?) and she wants Snow White’s heart in a box. It’s not her fault that she took the “stealing hearts” metaphor just a little too literally. She’s just passionate about the holiday!

2) Gaston

Has there ever been a villain more in love with love than Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston? Although Gaston’s a bit of dummy when it comes to love, he still wants to go big on Valentine’s Day! Especially since Gaston doesn’t do anything small; he eats 5 dozen eggs just for breakfast, right? So, he’ll try anything to make Belle his Valentine, whether it’s a hundred red roses or a mob of angry villagers. Gaston goes big!

Gaston may not have gotten the girl, but we applaud his willingness to be vulnerable and put himself out there for love. Way to embrace the holiday, Gaston! Next Valentine’s Day, he should just focus on finding someone who actually wants to be with him and then he can channel all those feelings into a healthy happy relationship instead!

3) Ursula

The Little Mermaid’s Ursula might be the most wicked witch under the sea, but she’s also the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day under the sea, too! In fact, despite all her evil scheming and shenanigans, she’s actually a lot like Cupid when it comes down to it. For instance, she saw Ariel’s love for Prince Eric and worked her magic to bring them together. Aw, that’s kind of sweet, right?

Just forget about the fact that she stole Ariel’s voice, turned a bunch of people into seaweed, and is — well — kind of a witch, because we believe she’s really a romantic who just wanted to get those two crazy kids together!

4) Hook

Peter Pan’s Hook is hooked on Valentine’s Day, we promise! Poor old Captain Hook is dealing with a bad breakup, right? Even though his breakup is the kind where his hand was separated from his body (darn that crocodile!), we still think that sometimes the broken-hearted (or broken-handed) are the ones who celebrate the most on V-Day!

Hook knows what it’s like to feel incomplete or to be missing a chunk of his heart (and hand), so he always makes sure to celebrate self-love on the holiday with his stylish red suit, favorite teddy bear Captain Cuddly Bear, and a romantic sunset cruise on The Jolly Roger.

5) Cruella

One Hundred and One Dalmatians’ Cruella — like the Evil Queen —  is an avid supporter of the Valentine’s Day philosophy of self-love, with a heavy emphasis on the “treat yo’ self” branch. She knows exactly what she wants and she goes for it! And, boy, did she want that dalmatian coat.

Although we can’t condone stealing puppies to fulfill your “treat  yo’ self” wish this Valentine’s Day, we think Cruella’s focus on making herself happy is a noble one! Who said you need a Valentine to get you a gift this year? Channel your inner Cruella and just steal that gift for yourself!

 Whether you fall in the self-love category or are a hopeless romantic, you’re in good company with some of Disney’s favorite villains this Valentine’s Day! Check out other villains who’ve been bitten by the love bug with our Villaintine’s Day Collection!

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