Featured Artist: Sohnyahh

Featured Artist: Sohnyahh

Sohnyahh describes her art as “organized chaos” that allows her to channel her emotions and the disorder around her into something more organized, clear, and understandable. She says that art is a form of expression that helps her “understand certain aspects of life that I couldn't put into words”; it lets her make sense of the “complexities of different emotions” in a way that she otherwise could never hope to do.

Sonia grew up in Zurich, Switzerland and enjoys the “quiet, visual” aspect of the creative process. She finds a sense of calm while drawing or making digital collages and she understands that the “alone time, sort of recharging my batteries and gaining energy” helps her find peace. However, she also gets inspiration from friends and nature and is hoping to travel more in the future.

Sohnyahh’s work is inspired by the artist, Suehiro Maruo, because she appreciates “how his work is complex yet simple, and always leaves me wondering.” This has helped Sonia recognize that “not everything needs to have a meaning" a concept that she continues to struggle with but says it’s important to “just keep drawing” and “just keep doing what you are doing.” Sonia believes that this is the most valuable advice an artist can be given and she says it encourages her own creative process.

If you want to shop all of Sohnyahh’s designs, check them out here.

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