Featured Artist: Vomaria

Featured Artist: Vomaria

Where are you from? Hi! I'm a graphic designer and illustrator from Brazil. It's a crazy hot summer here and I'm melting right now. For those who don't know, "Vó Maria" is the Portuguese word for "grandma Maria", and I used to make a joke with my real great-grandmother when I started this whole t-shirt design thing, just playing around with her.

rafael Vomaria on beach
Vomaria grandpa with sel portrait

How would you best describe your art style? I don't have a specific graphic style. I like creativity, and I try to express my ideas through many different styles. I'm kind of a multitask designer... My designs lean towards funny stuff, and this may be my natural art style. But I'm always trying something different in many fields.

Where do you find your inspiration when creating your art? I try to train myself to see everything from different angles, finding the funny side of everyday situations. Human behavior, pop culture, movies, memes and internet are great part of my inspiration. I like animals, too, specially cats and sloths.

When did you know you wanted to make a career in the art world? I’ve drawn since I was a kid, so, it was a natural path to me. I'm thankful to work doing what I like to do. People like you at DBH help me believe even more that my art can be everywhere in the world!

What does a day of creating artwork look like for you and how to you start your creative process? I have at least 3 sketchbooks filled with ideas. My email has lots of 'sent emails to myself' full of ideas (a way of not losing them during the day). And right now by my side, a lot of papers with sketches to help me create stuff. This is my routine: every time I have ideas I write them down and try to draw them as soon as possible. Many good ones have been lost, but I have more ideas than I can draw.

What artist (either current or past) do you most admire and why? From the classics, I like Da Vinci, Egon Schiele, Van Gogh, Escher, Bernini (sculpture). The internet made me find so many talented new artists around the world that wouldn't be fair to list a few ones here. Everybody I follow on Instagram is in my heart.

What's the best advice that's been given to you as an artist? Believe in yourself and keep working and improving your skills. Whichever goal you have, you can achieve.

You can shop all of Vomaria's designs here.

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