Featured Artist: Swadeillustration — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Swadeillustration

Featured Artist: Swadeillustration

Swadeillustration’s use of bright geometric art is a perfect technique to showcase nature’s majesty; the contrast between the smooth colorful lines and the rugged nature scenes highlights the precision and flawlessness around us. Swade believes that as the world becomes more developed, art needs to bring a “touch of the outside world indoors” in order for people to truly appreciate nature.

Swadeillustration says it is the “range of hills, mountains, waterfalls, and forests” in the Welsh countryside that are his greatest inspiration. However, he jokes that “my hand has a mind of its own” and that his finished art can often be a surprise. Although he may not always know what his art will become, he loves that “YES” feeling when he finds the perfect way to complete a design. When he discovers a “cool color scheme or texture combo” he’ll even lift his arms in the air, spin in his chair, and cheer. Or — other times — he snaps his fingers, points at the finished design, and gives a nod of approval.

To Swadeillustration, creativity is all about “communicating through the use of images when you cannot express what you want to with words.” In fact, when asked what art period he’d most enjoy visiting, Swade admits he’d love to travel back to the era of Post-Impressionism because of its influence on the color, line, and emotion he uses in his art. Swade’s favorite piece, Van Gogh’s famous “The Starry Night”, perfectly encompasses Post-Impressionism because he believes there is a “great sense of emotion and feeling” behind each brushstroke.

In addition, he admits it can be “hard to choose” who he admires the most because there are so many talented and creative artists in the world. Nonetheless, he is especially impressed with the work of Dan Mumford and Mike Wrobel for the color, line work, and “smoothness of tones” in their pieces.

Swadeillustration would love to be able to “convey a sense of happiness, relaxation, and sense of calm” in his work. He finds that the creative process allows him to relax and “release any stress” from his day and he’d love to share that freedom with his audience.

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