New Kindness Collection: Channel Your Inner Dog

New Kindness Collection: Channel Your Inner Dog

Too much of a good thing doesn’t always end well… A pizza for lunch might equal the best day ever. However, a pizza for the next 12 meals (alongside a tasty glass of pizza smoothie) might just make you hate the world… and yourself.

Still, there’s one thing that you can never have too much of and that’s … KINDNESS! Truthfully, we could all use a little more kindness in our day. This November — a month dedicated to being thankful and giving back to those around us — DBH is launching the new Kindness Collection! For every apparel item sold from the new collection in November, DBH will help donate 10 meals to a child or family in need. DBH believes that there’s no such thing as being too kind, and that we should all put a little more love back into the world when we can.

And, just in case you’re not quite sure how to sprinkle a little more kindness into the world, we’re here to help! We know — as humans — that we are fundamentally flawed. During the holidays especially we can become selfish, cranky, and frenzied because we’re forced to function solely on caffeine and the sugar high from holiday cookies.

So, if you’re not sure how to add a little more kindness back into the world… just pretend to be your dog! There’s no one in the world who epitomizes “kindness” more than a dog, right?

Here are a few great ways to answer questions from the people around you (while pretending to be a dog) and add a little kindness into the world.

1) “How do I look?”

You look amazing! You smell amazing! You’ve been gone from my life too long. Did you eat cookies today? I can smell the crumbs on you. Gasp. You’re perfect in every way. I love you. I love your cookie breath. You’re beautiful. Your soul is beautiful.

2) “How are you?”

I’m amazing! Today I found a sock and it was the best day. Until I met you… and now it’s the most amazing day that has ever happened in the history of the world. I can’t believe I am lucky enough to see your face. Can I lick your face? You taste like cookies! You make my day so much better.

3) “How was your weekend?”

It was SO good. I watched some birds and they were so happy. That made me happy. Then I thought about you. And that made me happy. You are my favorite person to think about. You always know just what I need. Mostly nose boops. I always need nose boops. Also, I brought you this old sock.

4) “Would you like to grab dinner?”

I LOVE DINNER. I haven’t had dinner since yesterday! I’ve wanted dinner forever. I’ll LOVE anything you make because it will be amazing and you made it for me with love. Now your hands smell like butter. Can you be any more perfect? Look, a squirrel! Can we invite the squirrel to dinner?

5) “Would you be able to help me ____________?” (Fill this in with an activity you need help with like “change this tire” or “with this work project” etc.)

YES! I would LOVE to help you. Helping you would bring me so much joy. You help me every day and I’m so excited I can finally help you back! I don’t have fingers so I can’t open cans, doors, or throw your stick. I will still help you though, because you are such a good person. I have 4 paws and I can do so much with them. Look, look, I am helping now. Do you need me to sit on your lap? I am doing it. Hug. Nose boop.

Okay, so you may need to filter some of the dog answers before you try them at home. Maybe don’t lick people’s faces or smell them… but you get the idea! It’s not hard to brighten someone’s day or put a smile on their face. Dogs do it every day! So, just be like a dog and love everyone equally, appreciate the little things in life, and don’t forget to tell people that they make the world a better place.

Or, you can find the perfect t-shirt from the Kindness Collection and help add some kindness back into the world by helping to donate 10 meals to a child or family in need this holiday season! A little kindness can go a long way.

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