Featured Artist: Hellosailor — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Hellosailor

Featured Artist: Hellosailor

Hellosailor’s bright designs are like catching a glimpse into the window of a candy store that is decorated in soft pastels and filled with unique treats and cheerful messages on every shelf. The tongue-in-cheek graphics are a perfect taste of sweet and sour and leave you feeling inspired.

Megan Earle reveals that when she sits down to create her art all she needs is some “coffee, music, and an idea.” She admits that the choice of music can really influence the tone of her work and one might even think, “I bet she was jamming out to Bikini Kill or A Tribe Called Quest when she made that.”

Although she is especially attached to her “pen tool in Photoshop” she has also been taking a figure drawing class and lessons to advance her letter work because “there is always room for improvement.” She shares that her creative work centers around a feminist message and she hopes, “I can raise some awareness” about the movement.

She’d love to be able to freeze time as her superpower because “that’s what I need...more time” so that she can try fresh styles and experiment with new mediums.

Hellosailor finds inspiration from everything around her even “the vinyl album sitting on my shelf or the combination of colors on an Instagram post.” However, she is especially attracted to the aesthetics of New York City in the 1970s and is drawn to the music and art of that period.

Megan is thankful for the freedom that her creative job allows her and she appreciates that she doesn’t have to “make something if I'm not in the mood to make it.” In fact, she wishes that she’d never been told that it was difficult to earn a living as an artist because it made her hesitate to follow her dreams. She jokes, “I bet they feel pretty dumb right now, huh?” because she pursued her passions and succeeded as an artist in spite of them.

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