Featured Artist: Makapa — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Makapa

Featured Artist: Makapa

Makapa’s art is the ultimate reprieve from the mundane and the tedious; the imaginative designs are like stepping into a fairy tale where odd and fantastical creatures beckon you to join in on their adventures. Makapa’s visions remind you that magic is possible and that the world can be an enchanting place, if we only choose to look closer.

The artist Makapa — from the city of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand — admits that crafting an idea for an art piece can be difficult but that, “I have a sketch book for every idea, shape, and mood” to pull ideas from for future projects. May Kapao’s unique art really does explore “every” avenue of imagination and creates heartfelt moments like an astronaut stargazing alongside aliens or entire worlds on a turtle’s back.

When asked, “What is your greatest accomplishment?”, Makapa answers that winning the DBH Backpack Design Contest with the adorable design “The Great Wave of Kawaii” was one of the most rewarding experiences yet. The cat design is a blend of creativity and fun and is a perfect reflection of Makapa’s style.

Makapa both admires and emulates the French artist, Jean Henri Gaston Giraud — known through his pseudonym Moebius — because the designs are a “great new world” for audiences. In the future, Makapa envisions another great new world with art that has “many angles, many dimensions” and is a unique blend of “sour” and “hidden sweet.”

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