Featured Artist: Yojimbe — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Yojimbe

Featured Artist: Yojimbe

The artist Yojimbe creates bold and bizarre graphics that have a slightly haunting quality to them. Although he uses simple colors for his designs, beneath the surface there is a sense of something much more complicated brewing. Similarly, Benjamin shares that nothing is as simple as it appears and even the idea of  “home” is not a simple one to him. He says that he feels the most comfortable “in my imagination, in my inner world. But I think my home is among the stars, far in the deep space, in a place I even don't know.”

He admits that he’s always been an artist at heart, even before he had any concept of what being an artist really meant. His mother teases him that he was “creating and drawing” before he could speak and that he was always lost in his imagination with “spaceships, monsters, [and] recreating movies”.

Benjamin is inspired by the world around him; however, music is especially motivating to him and he says, “Sometimes I listen the same movie soundtrack in loop for hours, it gives me headache but makes me happy.” He also kids that — more than anything — he needs a cup of ginger lemon Ceylon tea to help him make it through the day. He reveals, “without tea I can’t have a productive day.”

If he could travel back through time, he’d have loved to train with Leonardo da Vinci to learn the basics of anatomy from a true master. However, he admits that he’d love to go even further back to the “beginning of humanity” to meet the people who painted cave art; he would happily “paint for hours on walls” with them. However, in his present life, he is working on a Concept Art portfolio and is enjoying the research and preparation involved. He has also been managing several gaming and art sessions on Twitch for his community.

Yojimbe recommends that other artists never stop creating and that they always remain “constant and balanced on the creative process.” Nonetheless, he struggles with being a perfectionist and can be “very very tough with myself.” He ultimately believes — even though asking for advice is helpful — that it is “important to be the first and last critic” of your own art and to be always be proud of what you create. In fact, his favorite quote is: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

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