Featured Artist: ArtDary — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: ArtDary

Featured Artist: ArtDary

1) Imagine you are sitting down to create art… What is your ideal surrounding? Is there music playing etc.?

It would be a spacious bright warm room with large windows with a beautiful view of something, but view has to be not too beautiful (so as not to distract) but moderately beautiful. And with a large table near the window so that it is light, but does not create glare on the screens. There are some posters or pictures on the wall for inspiration. And, probably, a big cage with a big parrot, because they are funny. The room would not have many things, would be simple in style, but comfortable. The most important is the good light and cozy chair. Yes, and with music, of course.

2) What is your favorite medium to create art? Is there one you would like to try?

My lifestyle has made me realize that my favorite type of mediums is digital art. We are now traveling a lot with my husband and carrying a large amount of materials with us is quite difficult. Therefore, most of my work I draw on the iPad pro. That gives me a lot of freedom in my art process. But I can say that I really love ink and oil paints. I would like to try 3D art. And I'm on my way to that.

3) How do your dreams influence your artwork?

They are my works, how I was impressed by this or that moment of life, the places where I was or want to visit, some music inspiration or movies, or books... When I dream, I always want to capture this in a picture. 

4) What do you do when you aren’t feeling inspired? How do you find your muse?

These are quite difficult moments for me. But I found a way out in one thing, keep working no matter what. One way or another inspiration will find you in a process. Or, the simple one, go for a walk, just for change a place for a moment. That helps, a lot.

5)  What fictional world would you like to live in? How does your art reflect this?

Since childhood, I wanted to live in Narnia. =) And at an art school I drew a huge lion for a graduation project. Now I decided that until I will find the right closet, I will draw inspiration from this world because it is also very beautiful.

6)  What famous piece of art do you wish you owned?

I don't know. Probably not any. That would be a disaster. I'm not so good at keeping things.

7) If you could change one aspect of society with your art, what would it be?

I would like people to notice more beauty around and be motivated to create it.

8) What superpower would you like? How does it inspire your creative process?

I would like to be able to do everything super fast, or be able to stop time, or read minds. The last one would have a very good effect on marketing.

9) What do you wish someone had told you about pursuing art, when you first started?

Keep working and make mistakes. Do not be afraid to make mistakes! When you make mistakes, you begin to understand them and work on the correction, and this is the best teacher. And the most important is being curious about everything. 

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