Featured Artist: SubAtlas — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: SubAtlas

Featured Artist: SubAtlas

SubAtlas’ designs are like being caught between a dream and a nightmare. His graphics – like an alien enjoying a slice of pizza or a “9-eyed spider” scurrying across a skull – portray bizarre yet beautiful moments that feel like a journey through a post-apocalyptic landscape.

SubAtlas, or Matthew, admits that creativity is “letting go of the daily struggles, letting the mind wander, then translating ideas and thoughts to paper.” Although he usually has an idea or a particular direction that he wants his artwork to take, sometimes he just begins drawing and lets his ideas take shape. He confesses that when he can’t formulate an idea he will turn to “coffee and cigarettes” to help him.

He also jokes that there is always an episode of the popular television series The Office playing in the background when he is working on a project. The laughter and the humor help him focus on the lighter side of life. Although his designs often portray darker themes like death, his use of bright colors and the touch of humor in his art help balance the dark with the light.

SubAtlas admires classic artists like the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt; however, he is most motivated by his mentor, Mark Zammit, and his coworker, Jay Cee Vleer, who have been “huge inspirations” and have helped him perfect his craft over the years.

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