Featured Artist: BekaDesigns — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: BekaDesigns

Featured Artist: BekaDesigns

1) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I probably couldn't leave my hometown Tbilisi for a long period of time, but I would love to have a cottage high up in the forests of the mountains, far away from civilization.

2) What is creativity to you?

To me, creativity is expressing emotions and knowledge into something more physical, so others can experience part of your inner world.

3) If you had a time machine, what art period would you travel to? Why?

If I could only go to the past I would probably visit Ancient Greece, but if I could go to the future, I would go, as far away as possible, to see what we achieved and how we changed.

4) What do you do when you are experiencing a mental block to creating art?

Just go outside, breathe some fresh air, maybe meditate, then start doodling. Ideas come flying.

5) What creative people do you admire?

I am an architect, so my favorite architects are Shigeru Ban and Tadao Ando.

6) What is the ultimate message you would like to convey with your art?

My designs don't have deep hidden meanings. They are tiny, cute and fun. I believe hundreds of people wear my designs every day, hundreds more see them and these tiny animals might make them smile too. If my designs can make even a tiny positive impact on that many people, my message is conveyed and I'm more than happy to be part of this exchange.

7) If we traded places, what is the one thing we should know about you?

I'm not a professional apparel designer or illustrator, I come from another creative field, architecture. Making these designs is a hobby for me, but people seem to like my designs. Getting so much positive feedback is so addictive, it feels me with energy and motivates me to make more.

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