Back to School Checklist for Designers — Design By Humans Blog

Back to School Checklist for Designers

Did anyone notice that it'€™s suddenly August? Wasn'€™t it just June? Summer is almost over and we at Design By Hümans can literally smell the overpriced textbooks that will soon be purchased; taste the gallons of coffee that will be guzzled down in the mornings just to make it through the day. I'€™m talking about school. Yes I said it, it'€™s that time of year again and as a designer you won'€™t survive a month in school if you don'€™t have the right tools. Here is a checklist of few items you will probably need as a design student.

A laptop is a necessity for a t shirt designer in college; many design programs require students to have one. Both Mac'€™s and PC'€™s offer a wide variety of top-rated design software, so you can have your own portable design studio. Large screens are helpful for multitasking (which I know we all do) and detailing, and having a laptop in class is great for note-taking.

Design Programs
As a designer, you will find that you need programs to accomplish tasks from photo manipulation to logo creation. There are many products and programs available for both Mac'€™s and PC'€™s. The Adobe Creative Suite and CorelDRAW are excellent design packages. Wielding these magic programs you will create epic masterpieces beyond your wildest imaginations.

Drawing Tablet
Try not to be the student who, in her senior year of college, was still not using a Tablet to produce her vector images. I am talking about myself. A drawing tablet can be used in replacement of a mouse or trackpad to produce smoother lines and provide amazing efficiency.

Digital SLR Camera
Supposedly anyone can be a great photographer if they own a Digital SLR camera. Please refer to this blog post (just kidding.) It's always nice to have a camera that can produce high quality, high resolution images for designs. Nikon, Sony and Canon offer excellent Digital SLR options.

External Hard drive/Thumb Drive
When I was a Junior in college, my hard drive crashed. The magic Apple wizards were able to extract my files and I did not spontaneously combust. When I was a senior in college, my hard drive crashed three days before my last day of school. I lost everything, including my design portfolio. Save yourself the anguish and back up everything.

A Design By Hümans Hoodie
The fall season brings some colder weather and the need to bundle up. Don't let this hinder your style. Design By Hümans has a few awesome hoodies to rock in the colder months.

Large Headphones
I don't think it's actually a requirement to wear large headphones, but they look awesome. It'€™s nearly impossible to produce anything creative without listening to music, and throwing on a set of headphones is an easy-out when you don't feel like hearing the gab of gossiping girls next to you.

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