DBH Creative Director Gives You 12 Artists To Invest In — Design By Humans Blog

DBH Creative Director Gives You 12 Artists To Invest In

As the Creative Director here at Design by Humans I am blessed with the job of seeking, approving and supporting awesome artists. We have many awesome stores here in the DBHCollective but I wanted to showcase some of the newer and more unique stores that you may have overlooked. These great artists should be seen, heard, and of course worn on all of your favorite DBH products.

1. Matthew Dunn

I am very excited to have Matthew Dunn as a collective artist. This Australian-based artist has been catching my eye for a few years now. His graphic style and narrative focused characters are a real refreshing take on T-shirt design.

Matthew has had many successes including published comics, solo exhibitions worldwide, he has worked on film production and music album art. Many of his designs feature his trademark character "Leroy", a gas-masked individual who originally appeared in the graphic novel Lonely Monsters.

You should support this artist because he is a true graphic artist with a skill set that only few have. His comics are atmospheric and dark and his art leads you down an alternative path. Stand out from the crowd and own this guys amazingly cool art.

banjo blues matthewdunnart skeleton skull tshirt tee weird dark art elsie skeleton skull balloons tshirt tee retro constructivist art tshirt tee spin gas mask apocalypse record music

2. AlvaroCubero

I love the work of Alvaro Cubero. He is an artist you should all check out. His work has depth and detail, he often takes natural surroundings and gives them a surreal twist. An illustrator hailing from Spain, this artist is redefining the unique t-shirt. The traditional and the digital collide to make beautifully crafted pieces.

You should own this guys work because frankly he offers a level of illustration skill that is difficult to find in the apparel design world. Buying his art is like experiencing high-end fine art but without the price tag. I am a big fan and you should be too.

birds elope with the sun red bird tree winter tshirt tee black and white crow one color sketch illustration tshirt tee sketch drawing illustration nature key black and white tshirt tee

3. Kdeuce

It is no secret that I am a fan of Kdeuce. His work immediately caught my eye when we began building the Collective. He was invited to the beta stage and has been a firm favorite ever since. A consistent style and the master of brush stroke based art this guy is worth a second and third look.

Our Hawaiian based friend has a flare for the natural and his simple brush stroke designs are top sellers, he has also recently been commissioned by me to paint portraits of the Alliance team. Invest in this great artist and I know he'll continue to deliver.

painted tee tshirt koi wash brushstroke one color black tshirt tee kdeuce no king kdeuce tshirt tee lion painted splatter spray paint black and white sketch illustration neon noise kdeuce skull painted skeleton dark art tshirt tee

4. Aeoll

Aeoll aka Nick Taylor is a relatively new artist to Design By Humans but he is certainly making an impact. He specializes in abstract art that has an instant appeal. Creating something abstract is no easy feat and this guy does it seamlessly. Mixing complimenting colors with unique compositions this type of art will be this summers trend, I am sure of it.

Support this UK artist on his rise to a certain top sellers' spot. Own a piece of abstract art and get lost in the many different symbolic messages it may hold or just look at it and admire its weirdly natural beauty.

color colorful segments aeoll tshirt tee geometric ripple mountains nature brushstroke painted gradient ripple aeoll tshirt tee illusion 3D digital art facet aeoll tshirt tee colors

5. Louisroskosch

Louis Roskosch has a very popular store full of illustrated character gems. His whimsical illustration style captures something a lot of parody artists cannot. He re-utilizes well-known icons of film, comics and pop culture in his own signature style. His t-shirt Yodeling literally had me spitting coffee laughing when I approved it.

Support this artist because his art is truly something new to the pop parody world. Wear his tees with pride and make your fellowman smile. I can't get enough of this guy and you should feel the same. Your wardrobe needs his art in it.

louisroskosch roshi gym cultural asian cartoon character pop culture yoda star wars illustration parody pop culture yodel tshirt tee louisroskosch the legend of the tingle green legend of zelda parody pop culture gaming gamer video games tshirt tee  louisroskosch

6. Moutchy

Moutchy aka Yannick Bouchard is an artist who caught my eye back in 2012 when his art appeared as a submission in The Dark Knight Rises contest. His unique style and liking for darker, more intriguing art makes him stand out from the crowd. Cool execution, dark themes and a slight tongue in cheek undertones have made Moutchy a favorite at Design By Humans.Support this painter, master of the digital brush and a cool guy. Hailing from Quebec, Canada you should check out his dark arts of awesomeness.

dragons tale moutchy japanese rose flower snake tattoo tshirt tee crow moutchy black and white one color dark art tshirt tee stacked moutchy skull skeleton black and white one color tshirt tee dark art

7. Megan Lara

Megan Lara is a whirlwind of talent currently sweeping through Chicago. Megan exploded onto the T-shirt design scene with her Mucha-esque parody tees. Not content with being awesome at that she is also designing comic covers, giving tips to others and making 3D creatures. She is an all round talent explosion.

Support her because she is one of the most helpful and encouraging artists I know. Humble and massively talented this lady is going to go very, very far. Keep an eye on her and grab her products now.

space cowboy megan lara corgi gun art nouveau digital art tshirt tee art nouveau cartoon funny parody pop culture archer pam sploosh dolphin tshirt tee art nouveau megan lara  just as sane as i am harry potter character tshirt tee pop culture parody

8. Yoaz

Yoaz is a digital illustrator residing in the beautiful city of Paris, France. His work is so detailed it will knock your socks right off your feet. He uses geometric shapes to make up super colorful portraits that pop right off their surface. Working with big names like Nike this guy is a well-established artist but pretty new to the collective scene.

Support Yoaz as one of our newest artists at Design By Humans. Invest in his art and make him feel welcome. Bask in the fine detail of his work and discover something new every time you look at it.

lion yoaz detail illustration tshirt tee spade card playing cards yoaz detailed illustration digital art tshirt tee tigre yoaz tiger painted illustration detail third eye cool tshirt tee

9. Rafahu

One of my personal favorite artists here at Design By Humans Rafahu has a magical skill set for developing killer illustrations. Slightly menacing and a bit weird at times his work has a surreal uniqueness that cannot be overlooked. Delve into a world of creatures and odd scenes and get lost in the mayhem.

Check out his store and support this Mexico based genius because if you don't I'll have to buy everything he makes 4 times over. Go browse his store and buy one of his nightmares. You know it makes sense.

bugs bunny looney tunes youre mine rafahu dark art horror parody cartoon pop culture tshirt tee love takes you to the moon rafahu dark art horror robot moon space astronaut see you tonight rafahu horror cat looney tunes dark art cartoon character pop culture tshirt tee

10. Tom Burns

If I was writing a who's who of T-shirt designers Tom Burns would be up there with the design gurus of this art genre. He has designed some classic tees that will stand the test of time for many moons to come. He has a knack of taking a great concept and rendering it perfectly to become an instant classic.

Support Tom and take a gander at his store, his work is well known worldwide. A veteran of the design world and someone you should not really need an introduction to. Go see why Tom Burns is the long term trend you should already know about.

communist party variant tom burns political comdey parody tshirt tee white and pink makes blue tom burns pop culture mashup tshirt tee heisenburg breaking bad tshirt tee meth drugs tv show rising sunset lone ranger cowboy tshirt tee tom burns one color texture grunge

11. WinterArtwork

WinterArtwork hails from Barbados and has been on the T-shirt design circuit about the same amount of time as me. We have evolved and grown together. When I see his work I feel a great sense of pride because he has really blossomed into an exceptional illustrator. He makes vector based graphics that really stand out from the other parody makers out there.

You should support this guy because firstly he is a good fella and secondly his illustration style in unique yet also appealing to the masses. He has captured that hard to reach market because his tees look great and his work is consistent and well crafted.

tiger calvin and hobbes karate cartoon character pop culture winter artwork tshirt tee cute cracken winterartwork squid pizza food cartoon cool tshirt tee cooking with chemistry winterartwork heisenburg breaking bad meth drugs tv show pop culture cartoon tshirt tee

12. MedusaDollmaker

MedusaDollMakers' name suggests this artist has snake for hair and makes dolls! Having seen photos I can confirm that she is a talented artists with normal hair. I do however wonder if in fact she makes dolls. Anyway this lady has talent in bucket loads. She takes beautifully rendered pencil drawings, digitizes them with a sprinkle of magic and hey presto she has a very popular set of designs.

Support Miss DollMaker because she is ridiculously talented, she is very humble and her artwork looks incredible on pretty much anything. Her love for pop culture icons and her technical wizardry should be seen by all.

loki medusadollmaker avengers character illustration magic scifi thor tshirt tee pop culture lady loki medusadollmaker character pop culture parody mashup thor tv illustration tshirt tee fables medusadollmaker one color illustration drawing sketch cool tshirt tee skull person owl blue detailed

There are many DBHCollective stores here and Design by Humans and of course I cannot list them all because we just have too much talent here. The above stores are the tip of a very talented iceberg of design that you should be constantly checking out. Do you want to keep up with the latest releases? Check out our New section.

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Photo Real Tees

Apocalypse Tees