DBH Global Artists: Germany — Design By Humans Blog

DBH Global Artists: Germany

This edition of DBH Global Artists focuses on the country of Germany which ranks in our top 10 countries with the most DBH customers and fans! Germany is located in central Europe and has a population of over 82.5 million people. Germany has one of the largest economies in Europe and has an astounding 99% literacy rate. As of 2012, German athletes have won a total of 1,662 Olympic Gold Medals, which is more than any other country in the world. Germany also has an amazing number of wildlife parks - over 700 zoological gardens, aquariums and animal reserves. This country is also home to one of the most world famous events, Oktoberfest and was also the home of Albert Einstein. Most importantly, Germany is home to some amazing DBH Collective Artists that showcase some impressive artistic skills.

germany germany


German DBH artist PsychoBudgie uses a lot of strong typographic treatments in his vintage-styled artwork. Many of the pieces in his Collective reference older pop culture movies, music, and war propaganda. A majority of his artwork makes a bold statement and features striking black and red coloring. In addition to his typographic pieces, PsychoBudgie has also created strong pieces that showcases his vectoring skills and abstract collage skills.

frankly my dear i dont give a damn vector typography gone with the wind movie pop culture tshirt tee

More designs by PsychoBudgie

brain salt cure vintage paper medicine wild west tshirt tee 45 RPM vector typogrphy porky prime cut tshirt tee psychobudgie lucky 7 vector tshirt tee pop culture number grunge


DBH artist nils285 hails from Germany and has a strong graphic collective that features many animal inspired designs. Many of his designs are a stark black and white which gives them an elegant feeling, but he certainly knows when to add coloring - most often neons! Oftentimes his animal pieces are overlayed with unique patterns or bursts of color. He also throws in a couple abstract designs that show off his photo-real collage skills.

tiger neon tshirt tee x halftone pattern vector

More designs by nils285

black and white painted illustrative skull skeleton tshirt tee painted drip splatter paint black and white zebra animal tshirt tee abstract black and white tiger animal 3D glasses tshirt tee unique vector photo real


DBH artist VectorInk also rocks a very unique style. She incorporates grunge textures and swirly patterns with a wide range of animals. Her illustrations create a very unique design that gives new life to these animals. Most of her designs are mixed media, and are a combination of watercolor paintings and inked drawings that are transferred to the computer for further editing.

vectorink elephant animal pattern texture illustration watercolor

More designs by VectorInk

cat kitten kitty animal pet tshirt tee watercolor grunge texture ink illustration tshirt tee birds sparrow digital illustration drawing vector tshirt tee rainbow jellyfish animal ocean watercolor painted illustration tshirt tee


DBH German artist casiegraphics and has a very distinct and unique style that combines illustration with layered geometric pieces. Her pieces have a uniform color palette with similar undertones that mimic a retro era. Combined with her black and white animal drawings, these colors really make her designs pop off a t-shirt. She places a large emphasis on creating patterns in her drawings that give them depth and show fur/feather/hair texture. If you've got a thing for animals and all things retro, make sure to visit her Collective Store.

retro drippy panther animal painted vector pattern tshirt tee

More designs by Casiegraphics

golden hawk drawing illustration vector bird animal tshirt tee casiegraphics abstract retro modern painted illustration drawing rabbit bunny tshirt tee casiegraphics monkey gorilla ape drawing illustration pattern color tshirt tee

Mike Friedrich

DBH artist MikeFreidrich from Germany creates a unique type of pop culture design that is sure to turn heads. Many of his pieces focus on turning Disney characters into horrific monsters and masterpieces. These neon-colored designs brilliantly stand out on dark colored tees. This artist also creates highly detailed pieces, typographic works and cool sketches - make sure to check out his collective.

crazy wild neon gradient donald duck teeth horror scary tshirt tee pop culture parody disney

More designs by MikeFreidrich

goofy disney character pop culture cartoon tv film movie dog cartoon vector gradient color tshirt tee batman superhero pop culture black and white comic comicbook speech bubble action tshirt tee babylon mike freidrich

Bob Mosquito

DBH artist Bob Mosquito shows off a strong, illustrative style that mimics classic comic books. His wild creations and characters oftentimes have strong pop culture references with a mix of his own wild twists. Much of the artwork in his collective displays like a set of posters with strong typography and bright colors.

los pollos hermanos comic halftone tshirt tee breaking bad pop culture tv show

More designs by BobMosquito

unicorn zombie rabbit bunny typographty vector illustration horror creepy tshirt tee tentacle cereals tshirt tee pop culture parody alice in wonderland monster evil dave monky ape gorilla typography pop culture tshirt tee

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