Ice Cold Tees — Design By Humans Blog

Ice Cold Tees

Disney’s newest feature film Frozen was one of the biggest blockbusters of 2013 because of its celebrity cast, adorable characters and amazing message - not to mention the catchy tune “Let It Go”.

Frozen became extremely popular with audiences young and old, causing artists and designers everywhere to create some amazing merchandise, including Frozen parody tees! Check out these featured Frozen parody t shirt designs and stay cool this summer with some ice cold tees!

let it go frozen disney movie film animation elsa queen anna winter snow olaf tshirt tee parody womens tee
Let It Go-Frozen by BootsBoots This design features the most important song in the iconic movie Frozen. Although simple, the white script delivers a strong message and is complemented with snowflakes and tiny characters from the film. This Frozen tee parody design is sure to resonate with all fans of this Disney movie.

let me in megan lara frozen disney parody t shirt tee elsa anna let it go
Let Me In by MeganLara This new MeganLara t-shirt design features sisters Elsa and Anna with the text, "Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart." This piece of art reflects upon the moving message of the film, which is what made it so popular with audiences. Main characters Elsa and Anna have been beautifully rendered with exquisite detail that any Frozen fan is sure to love.

ice cream queen elsa anna frozen disney tshirt tee MedusaDollmaker ice cream snowflakes typography
Ice Cream Queen by MedusaDollmaker This cool Frozen parody tee mixes up Queen Elsa as an Ice Cream Queen! Elsa has been beautifully drawn in a vintage art nouveau style that mimics retro poster art. Amazing details have been added to every part of this design from her hair and fingernails to the ice cream and flowery elements. This well thought out piece of parody fan art will impress any movie lover.

by royal decree sixeyedmonster tshirt tee parody frozen disney animation film queen elsa winter snowflake charcter mens t shirt rosie the riveter
By Royal Decree by SixEyedMonster This Frozen parody design mixes up the classic 'Rosie the Riveter' poster with main character Elsa. This design highlights some cool and detailed hand drawn artwork that's been detailed digitally. Combining snowflakes with typographic elements really adds to the feel of this ice cold t shirt design.

wind and snow under the moon elsa queen frozen arendell let it go tshirt tee parody
Wind and Snow Under The Moon by VanyNany This unique painted design features Queen Elsa from Frozen when she begins to build her icy fortress. This parody t shirt design combines vectors and paint brush elements that give the design a softer feeling, complementing the snowy atmosphere. As the trees fade into the distance they give this abstract design a cool 3D feeling.

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