DBH Global Artists: Philippines — Design By Humans Blog

DBH Global Artists: Philippines

The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is a country of islands in Southeast Asia. This country is made up of about 7,000 separate islands that have a combined population of 96 million people. The Philippines also lies within the Pacific Ring of Fire and is home to many active volcanoes. The world's rarest and most expensive seashell is also found in this country, along with 12,000 other species of seashells. The Philippines is also home to a number of very unique endangered species including the Philippine eagle and tamaraw buffalo.

The Philippines is also home to some of the most outstanding and well known artists here at Design By Humans!

philippines ocean boat sunset volcano


DBH Member since: 2008 Number of designs available: 55 Visit Zerobriant's Design By Humans Store

Artist zerobriant has been with us since 2008 and he's created one of the most iconic designs at DBH! (Poked To Death - below). Zerobriant has an extensive Collective full of pop culture mashup designs that feature characters from popular movies, TV shows, and cartoons. His vector based designs have a lot of detail and illustrative work, so there's a lot to see! In addition to his vector work, he also experiments with brush stroke and painted designs, abstract collages and unique typography.

More designs by Zerobriant


DBH Member since: 2012
Number of designs available: 45
Visit Moncheng's Design By Humans Store

Moncheng is another seasoned artist here at DBH. He has an outstanding Collective filled with some extremely colorful and neon designs, and he's not afraid to experiment with different styles. Moncheng has a strong artistic style that mixes vector cityscapes, animals and other abstract forms with painted, neon colors to create surreal worlds. If you're a fan of color, make sure to check out his Collective Store.

More designs by Moncheng


DBH Member since: 2010 Number of designs available: 55 Visit Ingkong's Design By Humans Store

Artists Ingkong are slightly newer to the DBH art community, but they've been extremely popular among wide audiences! This husband and wife team loves to create surrealistic art fused with neon colors. They create imaginative art using a ton of different artistic styles from paint brush styling and photo real collages to vector graphics and geometric creations. You can learn more about this amazing duo in their artist interview and by visiting their Collective Store.

More designs by Ingkong


DBH Member since: 2011 Number of designs available: 57 Visit Alchemist's Design By Humans Store

DBH artist Alchemist has been designing with us since 2011 and he's created some amazing retro designs. His work showcases a large amount of space and astronaut-inspired designs that fuse together surreal worlds with neon colors and geometric shapes. He also creates many abstract photo real collages and designs that create optical illusions - he isn't afraid to try anything! Check out his Collective Store for a truly wide range of unique work.

take off alchemist neon paint space gemoetric moon spaceship rocket tshirt tee

More designs by Alchemist

nonstrop play alchemist retro vintage 1980s casette tape photo real collage tshirt tee


DBH Member since: 2011 Number of designs available: 51 Visit Azrhon's Design By Humans Store

DBH artist Azrhon aka Roncabardz gathered quite a large following after joining our community in 2011. His design "Dark Officer" was extremely popular and even had a Limited Edition Reprint. Azhorn's Collective shows off his fine eye for amazing detail and realism. Many of his designs are highly illustrative and have unique coloring that give off a dark art/retro feeling. In addition to his older works, many of his newer designs fuse together geometric vector elements, abstract collages and pop culture ideas. You can learn more about this cool artist in his artist interview and by visiting his Collective.

More designs by Azrhon

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