Featured Artist: JussilaDesigns

Featured Artist: JussilaDesigns

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JussilaDesigns loves creating “clean and minimal” graphics that are inspired by her study of industrial design and sustainability. Her sleek style offers reflections of nature, geometric designs, and abstract visions. 

JussilaDesigns, or Kristen Jussila, is originally from Northern Idaho and recently moved to Massachusetts, where she now manages an art gallery. This allows her the opportunity to work with people from all over the world and it “pushes me to improve my own talent and skill.” 

Her time with international artists at the gallery – and her own journey across the country to attend art school – encourage her to “explore and experience” the world around her. Embracing travel is – to her – a personal mantra, as well as, an artistic one. She believes that travel pushes her past “personal boundaries” and challenges her to be a better person and a better artist.

Kristen’s creative process “ebbs and flows”; there are days when she is so inspired that she can barely comprehend “how much time has gone by” and, in contrast, there are days when she can’t “pick up a pen” from lack of inspiration. She has learned that she must allow herself the freedom to let her mind wander and experience “moments of boredom” because it can lead her to “unusual places” of creative encouragement. 

Her other greatest influence – nature – inspires her work and is an “endless supply of beautiful and unique subjects” that provide her with “more ideas than I know what to do with.” Although JussilaDesigns did not know what the future held for her, she says she always loved “working with her hands” and she knew that art would be a part of her journey.

To Shop JussilaDesigns’ DBH Store, please check it out here.

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