More Star Wars? MORE STAR WARS! — Design By Humans Blog

More Star Wars? MORE STAR WARS!

Maybe I'€™m way off base here, but I'€™m pretty sure Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a pretty big deal. I don'€™t remember this much hype around a movie since Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties.

On that note, I'€™m a-gonna keep bothering you about Star Wars 1) Because I can; 2) Because you love it; and 3) Because Chewbacca told me to, and you don'€™t disobey Chewbacca.

First off, who is Kylo Ren? There'€™s a lot of speculation surrounding Kylo Ren. Of course we know he'€™s one of the newest bad guys on the block (galaxy if you prefer'€¦) and we'€™ve all seen the photos that have been released, but not much else has been revealed.

Well, until just a couple of days ago. '€œKylo Ren is not a Sith,'€ says The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams. '€œHe works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.'€ Abrams also revealed that Kylo Ren is a member of a group called Knights of Ren, and that Ren is a title '€” not a name '€” as Darth is to the Sith.

Who Kylo Ren really is remains a mystery, and I have to assume it'€™ll stay that way until the movie is released in December.

Another interesting tidbit: Abrams explained the origin of The First Order, or the '€œNew Empire,'€ having derived from conversations about '€œwhat would have happened if the Nazis all went to Argentina but then started working together again,'€ adding '€œCould the work of The Empire be seen as unfulfilled? And could Vader be a martyr?'€

Force FridayIf you'€™re unfamiliar with Force Friday, lemme school yous: Force Friday (September 4th) is the day that all Episode VII merchandise and apparel will finally be available for purchase!

Naturally, DBH is right in the mix of things. We'€™ll have a ton of Force Awakens T-Shirts and Episode VII merchandise available for you to get your grubby galactic hands on at exactly 12:01am PSD. So, ya know, set an alarm or three and hit refresh on the browser because you can'€™t be the last to rock that new Star Wars gear!

We'€™ll have a Star Wars: The Force Awakens Shop, much like our beloved Star Wars Shop, where you can find tons of original Episode VII T-Shirts and Force Awakens merchandise. We'€™ll even have a Rebel Alliance vs The Empire battle to see which side is more popular! You'€™ll get to choose between bundles featuring three Empire T-Shirts or three Rebel T-Shirts (at a discount, of course), so be sure to rep your set!

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