Social Media Quest: Gameplay Screenshots — Design By Humans Blog

Social Media Quest: Gameplay Screenshots

There are many ways to win prizes in the Diablo III Contest. Want to be challenged beyond the official T-shirt design contest? Throughout the length of the Diablo III contest there will be four social media quests utilizing many social media outlets and challenging your creativity. Challenges will begin on Mondays with five days to submit your best entries, and winners will be chosen on Fridays. So grab those smartphones, you'€™ve still got a chance to win free gear with weekly Social Media Quest!

September 9, 2013 '€“ September 13, 2013
Challenge #3: Gameplay Screenshot

Time to get some gaming in. We all know you'€™ve been playing Diablo III nonstop for months; now it'€™s time to show off a little bit. There are two ways to enter this contest. Take a screenshot of Diablo III game play and post it to Tumblr with hashtag #D3Gameplay, or post a screenshot to your Facebook wall. Tag Design By Humans in your post and hashtag #D3Gameplay. Remember, you need to like the Design By Humans Facebook page to tag us in your post! The most awesome screenshot will be selected on September 13th and a great prize will be awarded.

Winner will receive a $25 gift card to Design By Humans.

Screenshots from PlanetDiablo

2 Days Left to Submit to the Diablo III T-Shirt Design Contest!

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