The Great Outdoors Revisited — Design By Humans Blog

The Great Outdoors Revisited

I wish I was writing this blog to inform you that I was spending my Tuesday afternoon watching the John Candy and Dan Aykroyd classic, The Great Outdoors.

Sadly, I'm not. I'€™m working. Writing these words. (Exasperated sigh...)

But, there was a time (two weeks ago) that I got to spend a portion of the work day hiking up to Bear Hole along the Yahi Trail in Upper Bidwell Park. I mean, that definitely wasn'€™t the worst way to spend a day at work.

We grabbed a few friends and some T-Shirts from our last design challenge, The Great Outdoors, and hit the trail. This is what transpired:

We could only choose four to feature in the video, but there were just too many amazing designs submitted to the The Great Outdoors Collection. So what do you do when there'€™s an abundance of awesome outdoors T-Shirts? You make another video, duh!

What's that? Not enough outdoors for ya? Need more nature? How about Big Mouth Billy Bass IRL?

Each month DBH has a new design challenge, and we're accepting submissions for September's challenge, Anchors Aweigh, so be sure to get your nautically-inspired designs in by August 31. Head over to the Anchors Aweigh Collection to shop the awesome designs we've received so far!

Now get outside and explore — adventure awaits!

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