Three New Diablo III Characters Added + Submissions Extended — Design By Humans Blog

Three New Diablo III Characters Added + Submissions Extended

'€œDeath, at last, shall spread its wings over all . . .'€

Early last week, during a Blizzard press conference at Gamescom 2013, Blizzard Entertainment announced the new Diablo III expansion '€œReaper of Souls.'€

Along with the expansion to Diablo III, a new class and new characters will be added to the Design By Humans and Blizzard Entertainment T-Shirt Design Contest. The three new characters added to the competition are Crusader, Maltheal and Fallen. We know it takes time to design your epic Diablo III artwork, so we'€™re extending the contest submissions by one week. Designs must now be submitted by September 13, 2013. Get stoked for the upcoming expansion, and good luck on your designs!


More about Diablo III Expansion

The expansion includes an entirely new character class dubbed the Crusader class, described as a '€œwar machine made human.'€ A walking tank, the Crusader wields heavy armor and cruel, punishing weapons. They weaken foes and strengthen allies using battle magic. The class is attributed by devastating weapons and attacks including the Shield Bash and Falling Sword; your character becomes a bolt of lightning crashing down from the heavens in a mighty collision of eminent destruction.

The Reaper of Souls Expansion incorporates an Act A and increases Diablo III'€™s Level Cap to 70. Additional spells and abilities will be added to existing characters, and the expansion offers new quests, monsters, and two new game modes: Loot Runs and Nephalem Trials. It will establish a darker tone than Diablo III has previously, and will be set in gothic Westmarch. A new villain is introduced; Malthael, a fallen angel, whom players will confront in a newly introduced 5th act.

Blizzard Entertainment has not yet announced a release date for the new Reaper of Souls expansion pack, but they have provided us with a teaser trailer to give us just a little taste of what it will be like.

A new world is coming. A darkness is on the rise, and I can sense creativity bubbling in the minds of artists and designers everywhere. With brand new Diablo III characters to choose from, you will now have the opportunity to bring something new and essentially unknown to life. The question is, can you handle such an endeavor?

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