You thought The Dark Knight Rises contest was over didn't you? Well that's not so!

*Design By Humans* is always looking for opportunities for our art community so when Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) approached us looking for more incredible "Dark Knight Rises":,the-dark-knight-rises art we jumped at the chance. A strong partnership with WBCP has resulted in a huge opportunity for our artists. Initial design contest art submissions were reviewed and *thirty-two pieces of amazing art have been purchased by WB* and may be included in their apparel releases in the coming months. Design contests shouldn'€™t always end when the main prizes are given. Great art should be celebrated and we are very happy to announce the '€˜Chosen Ones'€™. Congratulations artists! Also, huge thanks go out to the Creative staff at WBCP who continue to support Design By Humans and our art community.*THE CHOSEN ONES**THE ORIGINAL WINNERS*"Available in Limited Numbers here.":,the-dark-knight-rises

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