Featured Artist: Afif Quilimo — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Afif Quilimo

Featured Artist: Afif Quilimo

Afif Quilimo’s eclectic designs keep his audience captivated and curious to see what he might imagine next. Each design — whether it is an ornate skeleton straight out of a bizarre daydream or a vivid surreal landscape — allows his audience to experience a rare and unique moment in time.

 Quilimo — from Jepara in the Central Java region of Indonesia — has been pursuing art since he was a young boy in elementary school. He shares that he was always more “enthusiastic if there [was] a drawing lesson” in school and he would pay just a little more attention to that day’s lesson.

Nowadays, Quilimo has moved beyond pencils and sketchbooks and he is never without his computer. He believes that any “designer in the digital era” would agree with him that computers are a vital part of the creative process. In fact, he especially enjoys how the digital age allows him to share his artwork on websites like Design By Humans. Sharing his work with an online audience gives him the opportunity to evaluate and revise the art based on criticism from viewers. However, promoting his work online is just the first step towards his ultimate goal. His greatest wish is to open a design studio with an entire team dedicated to creating and marketing artwork.

Quilimo shares that he would love the opportunity to go back in time and work with the prolific Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai, who is famous for “The Great Wave of Kanagawa". Hokusai’s style is a great influence on Quilimo’s own work. He is fascinated by Hokusai’s “process of making a great work” and hopes to adopt it in his own creative process in the future.

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