Featured Artist: Joeone — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Joeone

Featured Artist: Joeone

Joeone’s art — with its trademark bold shapes and subdued colors — triggers an unexpected sense of movement and vibration. Not only does his use of line texture and patterns add a unique element, but it also encourages viewers to feel the movement or discover a hidden depth in a sunset, the glow from a UFO, or a mountain view.

Johann Brangeon, from a small village in France named Chalonnes-sur-Loire, enjoys the “simplicity of life in the country.” He admits that he finds “everything I need to be happy. As well as inspiration” in his village and the home he shares with his family. In fact, he says that as a graphic designer “there is no barrier between my office and my house.” Joeone enjoys creating art in whatever environment he finds himself in at the moment. He jokes that if you traded places with him for a day that “you will be busy” because he always has a big “to-do list” when it comes to his artwork.

He also admits that it is difficult to choose between all of the different styles — from abstract to figurative —  and he feels like he’s stuck “between different universes.” However, he tries not to dwell on it and, instead, tries to “go according to my desires” and focus on the enjoyment of making art. He even believes that his art is a little like wine because it is “shared to have a good time” and it is “for all tastes.”

Joeone is inspired by the people who “break through the barriers” and who aren’t “afraid to step out of the common vision.” He hopes to channel this sort of bravery into his own art. He is especially proud of his participation in the Adobe Munch: The Hidden Treasures of Creativity contest which gave him “the confidence” in his craft. He admits that he only believes his work is “finished” once he can recognize his own unique style and tone and “that's where it all starts.”

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