Featured Artist: Geekydog — Design By Humans Blog
Featured Artist: Geekydog

Featured Artist: Geekydog

If the world around you feels like a dark and gloomy place, choose to visit the encouraging space created by Geekydog’s art instead; you will be surrounded by adorable animals, positive messages, and daily reminders to sit back and enjoy the small moments in life. If you want that slice of pizza, eat that slice of pizza!

Geekydog has lived in both Madrid and Barcelona but she hopes to someday move home to the city of Valencia so she can “see my family more often.” Her greatest accomplishment is being able to “make a living with my art.” However, focusing on her art is also difficult because “when you work from home [it] is hard to separate your job from your everyday life.” She must constantly remind herself to take time away from work to focus on self-care, like reading or pursuing one of her other hobbies.

 She enjoys trying out new art styles and mediums but understands that “things are always harder the first time you try them.” She admits that when she tries something new she can “feel a bit insecure” about her art because — as a perfectionist — she is constantly struggling to find the “perfect” font or shadowing for her design. However, she has also learned “to be patient with myself and to accept that things can't be perfect.” In fact, this is why she appreciates having friends to share her work with because they can be “more objective” and recognize when she is being “too hard” on herself.

She jokes that one of the most important things to know about her is that “I don't like chocolate and I don't watch horror movies, I'm too sensitive for them.” However, she recently discovered the cartoon series Steven Universe which she describes as “a work of love” and she appreciates the complex characters, the soundtrack, and the revolutionary ideas behind the television show.

When asked what her art would taste like if it was edible, she jokes that it would be pizza. Not only does she love pizza, but it also allows you to “go really creative and try new flavors” too. Pizza is the kind of meal that you enjoy with friends or happily indulge in and forget about your diet for a day. Like pizza, Geekydog’s designs are a perfect escape from the reality of daily responsibilities.

Geekydog encourages other artists to remember that “perfection doesn't exist” and that they mustn’t put too much emphasis on making something perfect; rather they should focus on completing the piece and starting a new project because “it’s refreshing to your mind” to constantly keep trying new things.

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