Featured Artist: Zkozkohi

Featured Artist: Zkozkohi

If it feels like the world is spinning a little too fast and you need to catch your breath… then we have just the remedy to help you find your happy place. Look to this week’s Featured Artist Zkozkohi to get back to the simple pleasures in life like fluffy animals, delicious desserts, and an adorable combination of both. There’s no amount of stress or anxiety that cannot be helped by Zkozkohi’s assortment of lovable designs. Sit back, relax, and get ready to “aw” your way all the way to your happy place!

Zkozkohi, or Zko, is an artist living in Taipei, Taiwan who loves to “combine reality with imagination” and who brings this cheerful new world to life on the page. Zkozkohi admits that “reality is always cruel, but I hope my work can bring warmth.” The bright designs – with wide-eyed animals and a sense of life’s simple pleasures – radiates with a warm glow. Audiences are reminded to appreciate the uncomplicated joys in their day – dogs, food, and a bright glimpse of imaginary places. Zkozkohi encourages people to “stay away from the hustle and bustle, especially in the age of social media.” It is time to step away from the hectic world and simply enjoy the sweetness around us.

Zkozkohi believes that inspiration is everywhere and “a touch of nature, sometimes just looking at flowers can be inspirational.” Zko says that creativity is all about finding the new and then being able to represent it in an exciting unique way. Zkozkohi’s unofficial mascot, or a white fluffy dog, does exactly this for the viewer. Zko also designs for popular brands like Coca-Cola and Nestea and is excited to continue to “create more wonderful works to share” in the future.

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