Featured Artist: Snouleaf

Featured Artist: Snouleaf

Have you ever found yourself in the snack food aisle at the supermarket trying to pick just one treat, when you actually want them all? If you know the struggle (and the struggle is real!) then you’ll appreciate our Featured Artist Snouleaf. This week’s designs offer both sweet and salty treats to satisfy your cravings — from pudgy kittens with attitude to cute bats drinking “vampire juice” — and you won’t be able to pick just one. Grab that bag of potato chips and the king-sized candy bar because today you’ll be able to treat yourself to a little of everything with Snouleaf’s bright and sassy designs!

Snouleaf, or Cindy, is a 33-year-old video game Art Director from Portugal who loves spending her free time drawing. Although she works to keep her art as “versatile” as possible, she shares that it is usually “cartoony and cute” and reflects her mood at the time. She teases that her mood “will always have the final say in the matter” and that her designs may range from sweet to salty, but that they are always about “bringing joy” to people. However, like many artists, she struggles with creative blocks; she understands that creativity is about a “mix of imagination, ideas and inspiration” all of which cannot be forced. She jokes that “there's no point in trying to force a meeting with creativity if it's not in the same room as me.” In these situations, she takes a step away from her projects and focuses on trying to clear her head instead.

Cindy encourages other artists to share their art with the world. She understands that social media is the “big monster that everyone is scared of” but she also considers it to be a place where artists can connect with each other and find a supportive community. She cheers on her fellow artists and tells them to ignore the negative comments and to try and appreciate the love instead!

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