DBH Hits E3 2015 — Design By Humans Blog

DBH Hits E3 2015

E3 is finally upon us, and if that isn't reason enough for you to nerd out to the fullest, I don't know what is. It's Gamer Christmas '€” the most nerdy-ful tiiiiime of the yeeeeaaarrr!

Go ahead, take a quick look at the E3 Live schedule and you'll find enough unannounced gaming titles to make your little heart explode in anticipation. If you're looking for a comprehensive rundown of the most anticipated titles and rumors, check out The Nerdist's E3 Preview with Jessica Chobot and Malik Forte.

As of 1pm PDT, the wait will officially be over, and streamers GassyMexican, lolRenaynay, EatMyDiction1 and ActaBunniFooFoo will all be on hand repping DBH and helping us dissect those tasty news nuggets as they're announced.

Make sure to follow @DBHGaming and our awesome DBH streamers on Twitter (links below) over the next three days for an unfiltered view of the latest news and announcements, and if you find yourself salivating over those sweet official DBH E3 2015 T-Shirts they're rocking, you're in luck '€” we've got 'em right ovah here!

I know you've got your own E3 wishlist, so before you go get your nerd on, let us know what titles and announcements you're most looking forward to in the comments below!

GassyMexican                     lolrenaynay                     EatMyDiction1                     ActaBunniFooFoo

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